With the widespread adoption of cloud services, the risk of external and insider threats has become increasingly prevalent.
Although not commonly discussed, insider threats pose a significant risk to the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of cloud-based data and systems. Fortunately, you can mitigate this security risk by adopting suitable preventive measures and security practices.

This blog post will delve into three effective strategies to safeguard your cloud from insider threats and protect your cloud environment at all times. Let’s dive in!
What is an Insider Threat & How does it Harm Your Cloud Environment?
A study conducted by Verizon’s Data Breach Investigations revealed that a majority of all cloud attacks are initiated by insiders of the organization.
Insider threats can take various forms, from intentional sabotage to accidental mishandling of data.
These threats can come unintentionally or intentionally from employees, operators, or other trusted individuals with access to your company’s cloud environment. This insider breach can compromise the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of cloud-based data and systems.
How to Protect Your Cloud from Insider Threats
The potential consequences of an insider breach can be devastating. However, you can take the following three steps to protect your cloud from insider threats and enhance the security posture of your cloud environment:
1. Restrict Copying or Transferring Data
Restricting the copying or transferring of data can significantly help reduce insider breaches. You can implement robust authentication protocols, limit employee access to sensitive data, and monitor suspicious behavior.
To aid this task, companies can leverage data loss prevention tools and prevent unauthorized data access and transfer. Regular employee training and awareness programs can also help in mitigating insider threats.
2. Leverage Geo-fencing and Time-fencing Techniques
If you want to stay ahead of evolving threats, implement geo-fencing and time-fencing techniques.
Geo-fencing ensures access is restricted to authorized locations, while time-fencing limits access to specific times. This helps prevent unauthorized access and safeguards your confidential data.
3. Apply Privileged Access Management Protocols
It is imperative to adopt privileged access management protocols for safeguarding your cloud infrastructure. This step entails establishing robust access controls, restricting access to confidential data, keeping tabs on all user actions, and enforcing stringent authentication mechanisms.
Additionally, you can conduct periodic audits and reviews of permissions to ensure compliance and proactively address any possible risks.
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