We knew how to protect our data stored on that USB flash drive or the hard disc. Keep it at the safest corner of the room so that no one can get access to them unless authorized, and you are all set. However, the advent of cloud technology has made things significantly complex, especially when it comes to keeping the data safe and secure. Now, we do not have a physical item that we can protect. Thus, it has become even more critical to follow a few steps to keep your cloud storage safe and protect our valuable information, personal and professional.

keep your cloud storage safe

Read the terms and conditions

Always read the user agreement before signing up for a cloud storage service. It can be a little too long; and, at times, boring to read. However, you must read each clause to understand their policies regarding data privacy. Make sure that you are not giving them permission to sell your data or use it in some other way without your knowledge. The service providers may update their privacy policy from time to time. They are legally bound to notify you whenever such changes take place. Never ignore these notifications and read them thoroughly to know how their policy changes might affect your data privacy.

Ensure the cloud storage is encrypted

Encryption is the first line of defense against data breaches. While choosing cloud storage for your business or personal use, make sure the service offers end-to-end encryption. Encryption is crucial to ensure that no one has access to your information, neither the service provider nor any third party.

Do not store sensitive information

Always be cautious about which information to save on your cloud drive. Although the service providers try their best to protect your data, it is always better not to store any sensitive information on the cloud. Avoid storing data that can jeopardize your physical, emotional, or financial security if fallen into the wrong hand.

Be careful about third-party apps and accounts

It is convenient to connect other apps and accounts to your cloud storage for easy accessibility. However, it is advisable to be careful about these apps. While you connect an app to your cloud storage, you give them permission to access your data. Be informed and cautious about which information they have access to and how they are using it. Additionally, these apps can make your cloud storage more vulnerable to cyber-attacks if they do not have a well-devised security protocol. Make it a regular practice to remove the connected apps that are no longer required.

The cloud storage services regularly upgrade themselves to protect the data of their users. You just need to do your bit to have a safe online experience. Blomp is here to keep your cloud storage safe and it provides 100% secure cloud service for free. At Blomp, we do not sell your information or scan your emails.

Visit Blomp to sign up for free and enjoy a hassle-free cloud experience.