Thanks to cloud storage services, you can now store, save and access huge amounts of data on the web. Cloud storage has many advantages, from cost efficiency to time efficiency. However, before we dive in to get to know what the 4 different types of cloud storage services are, let’s talk a bit about cloud deployment.
Cloud deployment model defines many things for you. For example, it outlines the location of the server you’re using, who has access to it and controls it, the way the platform is implemented, and the relationship between the cloud infrastructure and the user.
There are different cloud storage deployment options, and the way you use your cloud defines which model it is. The four types of deployment options each provide us different types of solutions to different types of needs. Now, let dive into it in details.

1. Public Cloud Storage
As the name suggests, public cloud storage supports customers that need to utilize computer resources including its hardware and software. Basically, using a public cloud storage is like being tenants living in a big apartment with other people (company) , and having a landlord (the service provider). Just as during the case of apartment rent, the cost of public cloud is lower than private cloud.
So, who uses public cloud ? Public clouds are mostly common for non-critical tasks such as file accessing or development and testing of an application, therefore small-scale companies with no private information use it. Anonymous users with the authority can also have access to public cloud.
Keep in mind that the service provider fully controls the public cloud storage, its hardware, software, and infrastructure.
Some of the advantages of public cloud storage are:
Cost efficiency
Vast flexibility
Expert monitoring
2. Private cloud storage
When we say “Private”, we can conclude that this cloud model is the infrastructure that is used solely by a single organization. The infrastructures found in private cloud storage can be managed either by the organization itself or by a specific service provided. Since a private cloud storage service is designed for individual needs, naturally, they are more expensive than other clouds. However, they are also known to be better in resolving the organization’s biggest fear, security, and privacy.
So, who uses private cloud? Private clouds are used by large enterprises who store sensitive and private information such as government agencies, financial institutions, and healthcare organizations. These private cloud infrastructures can be located either on-premises or with a third party.
The numerous advantages offered by the private cloud are:
Vast flexibility
High efficiency
Ability to customize
3. Hybrid Cloud Storage
A hybrid cloud storage crosses the concepts of private and public cloud infrastructures together. How is this possible exactly? When a hybrid cloud storage is used, critical data is stored in the organization’s private cloud, and the remaining data is stored in the public cloud. This method allows you to customize the features and modify it to your needs by using the recourses given to you. When you think about it, both time and money is used efficiently by this method.
So, who uses Hybrid cloud storage? Many organizations utilize this specific model when they need to quickly upgrade their IT infrastructure. Hybrid cloud serves as an advantage to many businesses because of its flexibility.
The advantages of Hybrid cloud storage are:
High flexibility
Cost effective
time effective
easily Controllable
4. Community Cloud
Lastly, we have the community cloud. This deployment model is dedicated to multiple organizations in the same community, which means it is not public, open to anyone in need. However, it is also not private, since there is more than one company using it. Some examples of community cloud are Banks, universities in common areas, or police departments within the same state.
So, who uses community cloud storage? A simple answer to this would be the members of the community.
Some of its advantages are:
Highly flexible to the needs of the community
Cost efficient
High security
Visit Blomp to learn more about the types of cloud storage services and to learn how to choose the one that is best for you.