Do you need to host your website? There are tons of affordable and good hosts to choose from, but what if you can host your website without a web host?
Well, you can choose to host your site on the cloud and enjoy having total control of your website.
If you own a static website or intend to own one, this article is tailored for you.
What is a static website?

A static website is more like the digital version of a business brochure. Most static websites are in the form of a single web page with unchanging information about a product, service, or organization.
The content of a static website, as opposed to most dynamic websites, is non-adaptive and relies solely on the site developer to effect any change.
The good thing is static sites are not fixed in all facets. They’re flexible, easy to create, and integrate with various systems like cloud storage.
And here’s how you can host your website on the cloud.
Cloud Hosting.

The process of hosting your site on the cloud is called cloud hosting. There are several ways to host your website, and each method is particular to the cloud storage platform you choose to use.
However, specific requirements and steps are typical to most cloud hosting platforms.
#1- Create a cloud storage account.
To host your website on cloud storage, you’d need a paid cloud storage plan. If you’re new on Blomp, that’s good news! Check out our most affordable plans; it only takes 5 minutes to set up.
#2- Set up a new cloud project.
Once you have a cloud storage account check your dashboard, you’d find the option to create a billable cloud project. It’s important to avoid using an existing cloud project for your hosting process, so you don’t risk losing data and resources associated with your other projects.
#3- Own a domain and some website files.
Cloud Hosting is only possible when you own a domain and specific website files that make your site viable. You can buy a domain like and create a 404 page or index page to get started.
#4- Secure access and management roles.
Cloud storage providers like Dropbox, Google Cloud, and Blomp offer access roles to their users. For cloud hosting access control, these identities are essential: Network Admin, Storage Network Admin.
The steps after #4, depending on your provider’s structure, might include creating a cloud bucket, uploading your website files, and setting up SSL certificates.
Do you think cloud hosting is for you? We believe it is.
It gets easier once you get started. For more information, contact our support team.