Due to performance problems, excessive expenses, or security risks, some businesses may discover that their cloud infrastructure needs to be improved to meet their demands. Others may have first migrated to the cloud because of the hype, but they have since discovered that on-premises infrastructure is better suited to their needs.
All this buzz is creating pressure on enterprises to bring back their workload from the public cloud, which, in simple terms, is called Cloud Repatriation.

People working on their computers in an office - cloud repatriation

Possible Reasons for Cloud Repatriation

Many factors are contributing to this process. Although the price point is one of the major reasons, there are security and performance issues as well. That’s why many businesses do not want to spend millions of extra dollars for the public cloud when they can get better service for their business on servers.

However, there are chances that these conditions may not apply to every business, but here are some possible reasons for cloud repatriation.

1 – It Saves You Money!

Cloud providers charge for their services, and costs can add up quickly and significantly as data and workload requirements increase. You can save up to millions with servers as compared to cloud storage.

David Hansson, CTO of 37Signals, has proved this theory in its literal meaning. In 2022, Hansson claimed that he would pull back the company from the cloud. True to his word, he did what he said when he detailed the $3.2 Million AWS bills. Hansson predicted that 37Signals could save around $7 Million over five years of time after transferring its data from cloud storage.

2 – Improvement in Performance

In some cases, workloads may perform better on on-premises infrastructure than in the cloud. For example, applications with high data transfer requirements may experience latency issues in the cloud.

3 – You Have More Control over Your Data

When data and applications are hosted in the cloud, companies must rely on the cloud provider to ensure security and compliance. By moving back to on-premises infrastructure, companies can control their data and applications more.

4 – Better Security

Although cloud providers offer robust security measures, some companies may feel more secure with their data and applications stored on-premises.

5 – Flexibility

On-premises infrastructure can offer more flexibility than the cloud regarding customization and integration with existing systems.

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