Cloud storage is one of the easiest ways to keep your photos, videos, and other digital files safe. Over the past decade, many people have made the switch from hard drives, flash drives, and other physical storage solutions. There’s a good chance you’re already using it on your computer, but did you know you can use a dedicated cloud storage app like Blomp on your phone too? Here are the benefits of using a smartphone cloud storage app.

You’ll save space on your phone.
One of the biggest benefits of using cloud storage on your smartphone is that you can save space for other apps. Smartphones have less storage space than computers, and you can run out of available memory fairly quickly. This is a particularly common problem if you take lots of pictures or video, or if you’re using dense, high-volume apps. By using a cloud storage app for things like videos, photos, and PDFs, you can save space on your phone and help it run faster.
You’ll have a backup for your images and videos.
Many of the pictures and videos we take come with sentimental value, and it’s important to keep them safe and make sure we don’t lose them. If you take cherished photos on your phone and then never back them up, you could lose them completely if your phone is damaged. It is an easy way to ensure that you always have a backup of your favorite memories, no matter what happens.
You can access your files on any device.
Using cloud storage on your phone is a great way to access your files while you are on the go. It’s a great option for people who travel frequently or are just away from their computers throughout the day. You can use cloud storage to access your work files when you’re on the go and want to be productive. It’s also a great way to access movies on your phone to watch on long travel days.
You can download Blomp today on your Android or iPhone. Blomp offers up to 200 GB of cloud storage for free, as well as affordable monthly plans for those who need even more storage.